The Importance of Networking: How to Build Valuable Connections

Eric Chinedu Nwankwo
8 min readJul 25, 2024


Networking is a skill that everyone should master, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career. The ability to build and maintain valuable connections can open doors to new opportunities, provide support during challenging times, and enhance both your personal and professional life. In this article, I’ll dive into why networking is so important and share practical tips on how to build meaningful relationships.

The Significance of Networking in Today’s World

Networking is more than just exchanging business cards; it’s about creating lasting relationships that can help you grow both personally and professionally. In today’s interconnected world, having a strong network is crucial. Whether you’re looking for a new job, seeking advice, or hoping to expand your business, the connections you make can be incredibly valuable.

My Journey with Networking

When I began my career, I believed that hard work and talent were all I needed to succeed. However, I quickly learned that knowing the right people and building strong relationships could accelerate my progress and open up opportunities I hadn’t even considered. Networking has been a game-changer for me, and I’ve seen firsthand how powerful it can be.

Why Networking Matters

Professional Growth

Networking plays a critical role in professional growth. By connecting with industry peers, mentors, and leaders, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and experience. These connections can offer insights into industry trends, career advice, and even job opportunities that aren’t advertised publicly. Networking can also help you build your reputation within your field, making you a go-to person for others.

Personal Development

Networking isn’t just about professional advancement; it also contributes to personal growth. Engaging with a diverse group of people exposes you to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas. This broadened viewpoint can enhance your problem-solving skills, creativity, and overall understanding of the world. Networking allows you to learn from others’ experiences, which can be incredibly enriching.

Expanding Opportunities

Opportunities often come from unexpected places, and networking increases the chances of stumbling upon these hidden gems. A casual conversation at a conference or a connection made through a mutual friend can lead to collaborations, partnerships, or even new career paths. The more people you know, the more opportunities you’ll have.

Building Valuable Connections

Be Genuine

Authenticity is the key to building valuable connections. People can often sense when someone is being insincere or networking solely for personal gain. Be genuinely interested in others, listen actively, and show empathy. Authenticity fosters trust, which is the foundation of any strong relationship.

Offer Value

Networking is a two-way street. To build strong relationships, you need to offer value to others. This could be in the form of sharing knowledge, providing support, or making introductions. When people see that you’re willing to help them, they’re more likely to reciprocate. Always think about how you can assist others, not just how they can help you.

Follow Up

The initial meeting is just the beginning. Following up is crucial to maintaining and strengthening your connections. Send a thank-you note after a meeting, share articles that might interest them, or simply check in to see how they’re doing. Consistent communication keeps you on their radar and shows that you value the relationship.

Networking Strategies

Attend Industry Events

Industry events, such as conferences, seminars, and workshops, are prime opportunities for networking. These events gather like-minded professionals, providing a conducive environment for making connections. Don’t just attend; actively participate and engage with others. Ask questions, join discussions, and introduce yourself to new people.

Leverage Social Media

In the digital age, social media platforms like LinkedIn are powerful tools for networking. Use these platforms to connect with industry leaders, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions. Remember to keep your profile up-to-date and professional. Share insightful content, comment on others’ posts, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Join Professional Associations

Professional associations offer structured networking opportunities. These organizations often host events, provide resources, and create forums where you can connect with other members. Being an active member can significantly expand your network. Participate in committees, attend meetings, and volunteer for events to increase your visibility.

Overcoming Networking Challenges

Shyness and Introversion

Networking can be daunting for shy or introverted individuals. However, it’s important to remember that networking doesn’t always have to be in large groups. One-on-one interactions or smaller gatherings can be just as effective. Prepare in advance, set small goals, and gradually build your confidence. Practice active listening and ask open-ended questions to keep the conversation flowing.

Time Constraints

Balancing networking with other responsibilities can be challenging. Prioritize your networking activities by scheduling them into your calendar. Even dedicating a small amount of time each week to connect with others can yield significant benefits over time. Use your lunch breaks, commute time, or downtime to reach out to your network.

Maintaining Relationships

Building connections is one thing; maintaining them is another. Stay in touch with your network by periodically reaching out. This doesn’t have to be time-consuming. Simple gestures like commenting on their posts, sending a quick message, or sharing relevant content can go a long way. Regularly touch base to keep the relationship strong.

The Long-Term Benefits of Networking

Career Advancement

A robust network can significantly accelerate your career progression. Through networking, you can learn about job openings, get referrals, and receive career guidance. Many people find their next job or major career move through their connections rather than traditional job searches. Your network can also provide mentorship and support as you navigate your career.

Personal Support System

Networking also provides a support system. The relationships you build can offer emotional support, advice, and encouragement during challenging times. Having a network of trusted individuals to turn to can be invaluable. These relationships can help you navigate both professional and personal challenges more effectively.

Continuous Learning

Your network is a rich source of knowledge and learning. Engaging with people from different backgrounds and industries allows you to continually learn new skills and gain new insights. This continuous learning can keep you ahead in your field and foster personal growth. Always be open to learning from others and sharing your own experiences.

Networking in Different Contexts

Networking for Entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs, networking is essential. Building a strong network can help you find investors, partners, and customers. Networking with other entrepreneurs can also provide you with mentorship and advice, helping you navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business. Attend startup events, join entrepreneurial groups, and seek out potential collaborators.

Networking for Job Seekers

Job seekers can greatly benefit from networking. Many jobs are filled through referrals and internal recommendations. By networking, you can learn about job openings before they are advertised and get a foot in the door through personal connections. Connect with industry professionals, attend job fairs, and join relevant online communities to expand your job search.

Networking in Academia

Networking is also crucial in academia. Building relationships with other researchers, professors, and professionals can lead to collaborative research projects, funding opportunities, and academic advancement. Attend academic conferences, join professional organizations, and participate in research groups to build your academic network.

Practical Networking Tips

Have a Clear Goal

Before attending a networking event or reaching out to someone, have a clear goal in mind. Know what you want to achieve and tailor your approach accordingly. This could be seeking advice, looking for potential collaborations, or simply expanding your network. Clear goals help you stay focused and make the most of your networking efforts.

Be Prepared

Preparation is key to successful networking. Research the people you want to connect with and come prepared with topics to discuss. This shows that you’re serious and respectful of their time. Prepare a brief introduction about yourself and your goals to make a strong first impression.

Follow Up Strategically

After making a connection, follow up strategically. Mention something specific from your conversation to jog their memory and express your interest in staying in touch. This shows that you value the connection and are serious about building a relationship. Schedule regular follow-ups to keep the connection alive.


Networking is an invaluable skill that can open doors to countless opportunities. By being genuine, offering value, and maintaining your connections, you can build a strong and supportive network. Remember, networking is not just about what others can do for you, but also about what you can offer to others. The relationships you build through networking can enrich your personal and professional life in ways you might not have imagined.


What is the best way to start networking? The best way to start networking is to attend industry events, join professional associations, and leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn. Start by connecting with people in your current circles and gradually expanding your network.

How can I network if I’m shy or introverted? If you’re shy or introverted, start with one-on-one interactions or smaller gatherings. Prepare in advance and set small, achievable goals for each networking opportunity. Over time, you’ll build confidence and find networking more manageable.

What should I do after making a new connection? After making a new connection, follow up with a thank-you note or message. Mention something specific from your conversation to jog their memory and express your interest in staying in touch. Consistent follow-up helps maintain and strengthen the connection.

How can networking help with career advancement? Networking can help with career advancement by providing access to job openings, referrals, and career advice. Many job opportunities are filled through personal connections rather than traditional job searches.

What are some common networking mistakes to avoid? Common networking mistakes include being insincere, not following up, and focusing solely on what others can do for you. Be genuine, offer value, and maintain consistent communication to build strong relationships.

Can networking help in personal development? Yes, networking can significantly contribute to personal development. Engaging with a diverse group of people exposes you to different perspectives and ideas, enhancing your problem-solving skills and creativity.



Eric Chinedu Nwankwo

I live to inspire people to be the best version of themselves because everything is possible if only you believe